
Student Life

We believe learning should be a fun and enjoyable experience. At Discovery College you’ll meet new people, take on new challenges and discover new things. Aside from your course there are there are a number other ways to get the most out of your student experience.

Clubs & Extracurricular Activities

College Football Team
Endurance Club
Debate Club
Multi-Sports Club
Student Ambassadors
‘Meet the Marines’
Forces Entrance Test
RN Dockyard Ships / Submarine visits
Piers Cellars RN Residential Visit
Dartmoor Residential
Houses of Parliament day
European Court of Human Rights
University Aspirational days
Advice & Guidance seminars from Prince’s Trust
Local Primary School Sports Delivery

Something missing? If you’ve got an idea for a club or activity, just let us know and we can get it started!


See below some of our facilities students can freely take advantage of.

Community Garden

Complete with benches, fruit trees, fire pit and sheltered area. The ideal place to relax.

Canteen & Coffee Bar

Our canteen has a huge menu of hot and cold meals, drinks and snacks. 

Sports Facilities

We have two sports halls, one climbing wall and one five-aside court all to for students to use.

Fitness Studio

Take advantage of your free YMCA Gym membership for all Discovery students!

Support & Advice

We’re always here to help and we aim to support everyone in all manor of ways whether that may be careers guidance,  help with additional needs, or help dealing with personal problems. All our friendly and approachable team are here to support you, as well as our dedicated Student Liaison Officer.